The virtue of humility
I have been thinking about this statement: ” Blessed are the humble for they shall inherit the earth”. I guess humility is the opposite of pride. We all have heard that pride comes before a fall. Ego destroys relationships, families, institutions, ministries and I dare say businesses.
There is nothing I admire more than people who are successful and yet remain humble. They remain grounded. They remain connected to themselves. They remain connected to others no matter their status. They remain connected to where they come from. Above all they remain connected to God. They acknowledge Him as the one who teaches them how to build and Create Wealth.
Humility doesn’t make you a lesser person , indeed it has a way of elevating you and giving you an admirable Glory. Of late I have asked myself, if those that are humble will inherit the earth, what happens to the proud? I guess they push themselves into destruction and out of the equation of real success.
I therefore believe if you want to be successful, conquering and scaling up your mountains, your careers, your businesses and so on, you must choose to be and remain humble. For, literally, the humble will inherit the earth. Meditate and decide to walk in humility. Up the Mountain we go!